Sunday, May 9, 2010

double faux pas?


The 80s was an epic era for fashion. there were things back then that can now only be described as horrendous fashion crimes...perms, leg warmers, mullets and one of the ugliest of all; double denim.

Whilst there has been a bit of a resurgence in the mullet in our "muzza" community of late, the rest of these 80s fashion statements are as ridiculous as George Michael's heterosexuality.

However, flipping through the gossip rags recently, I've noticed a few celebrities having their own crack at bringing back denim-on-denim! Whilst to a lot of people denim-on-denim is the ultimate fashion no-no, when its done well, it can look very, very cool.

Becks does everything well...not really surpised

It featured quite heavily in Dolce and Gabbana's recent Spring/Summer 2010 show.

The main piece of advice that i drew from the D&G show was that at least one of the pieces in your "double denim" has to be distressed and/or faded. The jeans in the first image are another quite recent statement that i really enjoy; panelling. I love the panelling work and repairs that a lot of denim brands are now putting on their jeans to step away from your run of the mill abrasions and rips that every man and his dog has done.

Personally, I haven't quite had a crack at denim-on-denim, but after rifling through my wardrobe, I'm going to have a crack at it. I'll probably do it they way most people do it, light coloured denim shirt (most people going the light wash chambray shirt) and a pair of indigo/rinse skinny or slim leg jeans. But the key to the darker jean is the necessity for the cuff on the just shows that you're doing it all on purpose and not fortuitously.

perfect example of the light denim/chambray shirt and darker denim, but in this she's rocking a pair of boyfriend-esque style jeans, i dig it.
Credit: The Sartorialist

again, the light coloured shirt and almost selvedge/raw denim jeans with a cuff on the bottom

ACHTUNG: All being said the photos shown here are people who either know what they're doing or are professionally styled (excluding JT and Britney of course), so if you're going to try double denim, make sure you know what you're doing, because if you don't hit the nail on the head youre going to look like a rodeo hand....and not a cool one.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fashion is such a broad concept. Everyone has a different idea about what's fashionable and what's not. The current generation has taken things to new levels, in days of old there was a generic fashion and generic idea of what was 'in' and what was not. But today, the things that some people think look like shit, others will think is amazing. From boho to rockabilly to heroin chic (or a mixture of the three), the possibilities are endless to what you want to do with your 'look.'

what's fashionable is in the eye of the beholder, and thats sorta the basis for my blog. as much as i would like to say that im going to be writing a fashion will probably turn into a blog about the things that inspire me in not only my fashion but also my life. fashion is the way i express myself, and even though i model myself on things that i see and am inspired by, isn't that really what art is all about, copying other cool stuff you see?

anyway, here goes nothing